Sole Talk 13: Saurabh Bassi, Founder of

Saurabh Bassi is a developer from India who has one of the most open and positive attitudes I've encountered in a while.  He is the founder of, a social networking site that allows users to engage and connect based on their interests and background., as the acronym represents, merges the professional focus of Linkedin with the personal nature of Facebook, and delivers content to your feed according to events and resources that matter most to you, instead of according to what the people around you are doing.

In this episode of Sole Talk, Saurabh shares:

  • The importance of maintaining a positive attitude.
  • The value of connecting with other professionals in your field.
  • How setting goals, getting started, and staying committed helped him launch his online social network.
  • The value of opening up to life.

Check out Saurabh's upbeat and inspiring story!

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Shaté L. Hayes

Writer - Contributor for Dance Media Publications.

Careers & Curriculum - Helping career changers tell their story.

Panel Pro - Always available for group chats about building purpose-filled careers.

Creative - Forever a dancer first.

Growth Groupie - Ever evolving free spirit.

Sole Talk 14: Sweft Washington, First Class Solo Dancer


Sole Talk 12: Lloyd 'Tranquil' Thompson, Founder of Tranquil Productions (UK)