Money Making Ideas for Creatives

When I was first starting my dance career, I was hard pressed for money.

Actually, I knew how to make money, but the types of jobs I needed (ones that offered benefits), often competed with my dance career goals.

I usually found myself in a see-saw situation where either my bills were being paid while my dance career suffered, or I was building momentum in my career while being stressed about money.

I eventually realized that I needed an income stream that supported my career pursuit, not one that worked against it.

My last year living in Los Angeles, I thought I'd finally found a system that worked. I took a job as a night auditor at a swanky hotel in Beverly Hills, which I thought would offer the added benefit of some great networking.

Although the overnight schedule didn't directly compete with my auditions or classes, it was in direct competition with my sanity.

Working overnight almost killed me! much so, that in less than a year, I ended up overworked, exhausted, unhappy –– basically burnt out and STILL BROKE!

So, I quit pursuing my dance career altogether because I just couldn't live that lifestyle anymore. But that's another story for another day.

After some much needed time off and self-care, I quickly made my way back to #dancelife (as if I could ever really leave anyways).

And I eventually found ways to generate income that supported my dance dreams –– and this was all before the internet offered as much as it does now, btw.

These days, the internet is an incredible resource for finding income solutions.

In fact, if I were just starting my career in this day and age, I'd be stoked about all the remote and flexible job opportunities there are now. I'd pick a stream of income or two that allowed me to create my own schedule while I danced my heart out in every class, audition, or gig.

Now that I know the sanest ways to pursue a dream, it's my mission to share that insight with as many people as will listen.

So, here it is. Are you listening, {% if subscriber.first_name != blank %}{{ subscriber.first_name }},{% else %}
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Do your dreams a favor, and find ways to earn money that don't work against the career you're building. Working from home or on jobs that offer flexible schedules is one of the best ways to do that.

Not sure where to look? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

money making ideas for creatives freelancers career success tips mindset - The Working Dancer Dance Blog.png

1. Homejobstop

“The Homejobstop Job Bank is an active, highly specialized searchable database of remote, home-based and telecommuting jobs.”

2. Online Data Entry

“The up-to-date reference guide to thousands of data entry companies that are hiring.”

3. Home Based Travel Agent

Answers To Your Top 10 Questions About Becoming a Home-Based Travel Agent", you can get all your questions answered and decide for sure whether you want to move ahead with a satisfying, profitable home-based travel business that fits into your life.”

4. Home Assemble & Craft

The Home Assembly & Crafts Directory has over 250 companies offering work at home assembly jobs (US & Canada only).  These companies need homeworkers to make crafts, jewelry, sewing, woodworking, stuffing envelopes, mailing circulars, electronics, and more.”

5. Become a Flight Attendant

“Guaranteed To Improve Your Cabin Crew Interview And Your Chances Of Being Hired Or Your Money Back.”

Want more success tips and ideas like this? Click the button below, and you’ll get a FREE copy of our Success Starter Kit, plus lots of insight and inspiration sent directly to your inbox.

Shaté L. Hayes

Writer - Contributor for Dance Media Publications.

Careers & Curriculum - Helping career changers tell their story.

Panel Pro - Always available for group chats about building purpose-filled careers.

Creative - Forever a dancer first.

Growth Groupie - Ever evolving free spirit.

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Ask Yourself These 3 Questions Before Making Your Next Career Decision